Thank you for joining us as we kick off the first month of 2024! We served over 9,100 individuals this month, even though we had to cancel two distributions due to freezing temperatures. We were able to serve through two distributions this month in rainy conditions thanks to indoor packing at Our Lady Star of the Sea and volunteers from the LSU school of Dentistry who served through the rain on Saturday January 27th.
It's been a bright month on site despite the weather with colorful produce, Mardi Gras spirit and sunscreens donated by our partners at Conscious Alliance. This was made possible by over a hundred volunteers this month including groups from Memorial Drive UMC, Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church, The Disco Amigos, ISI North Louisiana, Haynes Academy Key Club, Jesuit, Entergy and the LSU School of Dentistry ASDA!
Join us next month by making a reservation on our website- our volunteer dates for February are now available here!
Make sure you and your krewe are signed up on our website for each shift you plan to attend so that we can keep track of volunteer numbers on site! We plan to close for Carnival on Saturday February 10 and Ash Wednesday February 14.
We've been busy serving groceries this month and taking count of the amazing year we had together in 2023. Our full 2023 report is in, and available to read now on our website.
We have been able to accomplish so much together over the last year. Our team is hard at work planning for all 2024 has in store. Mark your calendar for our fourth CAN-iversary on Saturday March 23rd and stay tuned for more updates on how you can become more involved with Culture Aid NOLA.
Thank you for standing with us through this long January. We're ready to take on the rest of the year with you!