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Serving Free Groceries Twice A Week 

*New Time and Location*  Wednesday at 5PM at St Mary of the Angels Catholic Church

Saturday at 9AM at Corpus Christi- Epiphany Catholic Church

Culture Aid NOLA’s mission is to direct no-barrier, no-stigma food aid to underserved members of New Orleans' cultural community with dignity, grace and hospitality.
We provide free groceries with no identification required, no proof of income required and no questions asked. A non-traditional food bank serving free food in New Orleans, Culture Aid NOLA’s mission is to be a welcoming place where it is easy and stigma free to get food for your family, friends and neighbors. Wednesdays at 5PM at St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Church (3501 N. Miro) and Saturdays at 9AM at Corpus Christi- Epiphany Church(2022 St Bernard.)



