May was another busy month at Culture Aid NOLA serving 2,961 families. We were joined by volunteer groups from Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church, Omada Health, Disco Amigos and the LSU School of Dentistry. Volunteer dates are now open on the website through the end of June, register today to make an impact during the summer. |
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This month we participated in our first off-site packing event with Pack Hope and The Great Places to Work For All Summit. Conference attendees packed over 1,000 shelf-stable food boxes for our July Supply event this summer. If you are interested in getting involved we are still accepting partners. |
The end of the school year also means local families are strained to find care and food for their children, your support is more crucial than ever. Make a commitment to give or volunteer to make a difference over the summer with Culture Aid NOLA. Thank you for your continued support!The Team at Culture Aid NOLA |