Olivia --

We've kicked the year off right through rough weather to serve over 5,000 individuals in the first month of 2025!

This month we begin to reflect on our fifth anniversary as an organization feeding families without adhering to federal income or funding guidelines requiring proof of income, residency, citizenship or identification. This month we served our 100,000th individual without a single name taken in order to get aid to our community in a time more crucial than ever. This is only possible because of our community of folks like you who have given whatever they could in the name of service with no barriers over almost five years!

We're proud to share our 2024 Annual Report continuing another year of growth made possible by the commitment of partners and supporters.

Read our 2024 Report


1. SPONSOR, DROP-OFF OR DONATE FOR OUR SOUPER BOWL OF CARING DISTRIBUTION- Visit www.cultureaidnola.org/wecantacklehunger to learn more.

2.  PURCHASE A CULTURE AID NOLA COOKBOOK (Or Two!)  Try a recipe with fresh, healthy produce like the kind we serve at Culture Aid NOLA each week. Check out Drew's winter squash and more! 

3. Register to volunteer for a shift in February! 


We're so excited to partner with Souper Bowl of Caring and Tackle Hunger to serve local families ahead of the big game with extra special items from partners including Toys For Tots and Dairy Max. Our special distribution will take place on Feburary 5th 2025 at our regular distribution at 5pm at 3501 N. Miro! There are still opportunities to get involved and donate at www.cultureaidnola.org/wecantacklehunger

We're so excited to look back at our work this year at almost half a decade of community-led aid. Share with us your favorite memories of working with us since March of 2020 when we served through our most recent distribution this past Wednesday!

THANK YOU for your continued support

from the Culture Aid NOLA Team

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